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Vina P. Hermanto



Will You?, 2013

(Approximate)  300 x 300 cm

Installation, sand, slippers, text


The artwork is an experience brought over from Japan. It is how, we, as tourists, were put in others’ shoes, forced into one’s culture. Japan is known for its rich traditional culture, it sparks interests in people to seek for that unique culture and because some modern societies which has little or diluted culture, will - as a human spirit - seek out to cultivate, thus attracting the attention to japan. As one steps into a culture of consideration and order, one subconsciously conforms to the culture, into their shoes and into their pace.


The different shoes are representatives of Japanese footwear from the feudal era to modern era. Whereas the gravel represents “movement of water” that indicates the flow of the path, the stream of Japanese culture.


Here’s my question, what if that culture was brought over?

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